Selecting the network:/// entry then selecting the shown "windows network" fails to open (fails to retrieve file list from server) substituting smb://mynetworksambaserver (for network:///) works and I can see the shares .. using smb:///mynetworksambaserver fails .. I've looked for a location to change the default workgroup/network name but this is not available .. As I know in gnome if the correct workgroup name was not used the sambaserver/network was invisible .. as gvfs is being used where do we set the work group name?
Okay, apparently if you setup a smb.conf file based on smb.conf.default the workgroup domain name can be set there and found. just don't change the default lmhosts settings or you lose access if your samba host is not a domain server .. (no valid login system for NT-Domain) and has just share level logins .. so how can we make gvfs see/browse the windows shares that are out there?
I think the required functionality is in gigolo it seems to work well could this be intergrated into thunar?
actually gigolo does not solve the browsing issue, you still have to know the server name :( .. but it does browse the shares on the selected server however the current thunar interface does that as well and more directly so the current interface is better. Sorry for the extra noise on this ..
okay seems to work in thunar-1.5.3 when an actual windows computer is on the network .. browsing network functions .. seems the samba server/fileserver is not operating as a master browser for the domain ..