Xwm4 accepts [Ll]eft [Cc]enter/[Cc]entre and [Rr]ight as a position and can be set by xconf ie: xfconf-query -c xfwm4 -vp /general/title_alignment -s Left But the xfwm4-settings manager will segfault unless the position is set to left/center/right ie NO caps and american spelling for centre. But does display "Centre" correctly spelled when locale is set to LANG=en_GB. To get a segfault run: xfconf-query -c xfwm4 -vp /general/title_alignment -s Left And then :xfwm4-settings
Created attachment 4551 0001-Fix-crash-in-settings-dialog-with-wrong-title-alignm.patch Patch attached.