I've been doing this sed -i -e 's:$(datadir)/xfce4/doc:$(docdir)/html:' Makefile.am for couple of releases now to get --docdir= properly respected to install documentation where intended The problematic lines are: Makefile.am:astdocdir = $(datadir)/xfce4/doc/ast Makefile.am:astimagesdir = $(datadir)/xfce4/doc/ast/images
and the release announcement for 1.8.1 was missing from the announcement ML, please consider using it -- it makes spotting releases a lot easier for distributors
With Xfce 4.10 not shipping xfhelp4 anymore, I guess the smartest move would be to use docs.xfce.org as expected now.
1.8.2 no longer has those fancy docs, so I guess this can be obsoleted.
Yes, the documentation was (re)moved in: https://git.xfce.org/apps/xfce4-screenshooter/commit/?id=5aaa5c3c5fbb9cae8636007a832b547f7b9178ba