Created attachment 4373 dot.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xsettings.xml *after* setting Net/IconThemeName With an existing (pre-configured) user account, the user's selected icon theme (e.g. gnome) is in effect, and all icons (or at least the ones present in that theme) appear. However, with a new user account, there is no $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xsettings.xml file present at all initially, and thus the system-wide default icon theme (in this case, gnome), nor any other system-wide defaults in $sysconfdir/xdg/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xsettings.xml, is not configured for the new user account. See the attached "before.jpg" and "after.jpg" images for visual proof :) but the gist of it is that I can use xfconf-query to verify that the "/Net/IconThemeName" does not exsting on the xsettings channel, then I can reset it (with the idea that this will trigger a copying of the system-wide defaults), and then it still will not exist. I *can* however set it using xfconf, and all is well with respect to the icon theme; however, when I look at the saved xsettings.xml file, the only property present there is the Net/IconTheme one (the resulting file is also attached). This wouldn't be worrisome if the system-wide defaults were in place, and this file only specified overrides, but it's clear that such is not the case here... I'm guessing that the system-wide defaults *are* supposed to be applied, so any ideas what's going wrong here?
Rather than upload images to bugzilla, see the before and after images here: I'm going to go ahead and build some --enable-debug=full packages :/
Did you modify the xsettings.xml installed by xfce4-settings? Because by default we don't set an icon theme.
I did - I changed "empty" to "gnome" during the packaging process.
Are you sure it looks like this: <property name="ThemeName" type="string" value="Clearlooks"/> <property name="IconThemeName" type="string" value="gnome"/>
Clearlooks theme isn't installed here, so no, the ThemeName line was empty. Just for grins and giggles though, I changed it to "Xfce-curve" and still get the same results on a new user account. Here's the entire file: [rworkman@liberty ~]$ cat /etc/xdg/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xsettings.xml <!-- Default values for the X settings registry as described in --> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <channel name="xsettings" version="1.0"> <property name="Net" type="empty"> <property name="ThemeName" type="Xfce-curve"/> <property name="IconThemeName" type="gnome"/> <property name="DoubleClickTime" type="int" value="250"/> <property name="DoubleClickDistance" type="int" value="5"/> <property name="DndDragThreshold" type="int" value="8"/> <property name="CursorBlink" type="bool" value="true"/> <property name="CursorBlinkTime" type="int" value="1200"/> <property name="SoundThemeName" type="string" value="default"/> <property name="EnableEventSounds" type="bool" value="false"/> <property name="EnableInputFeedbackSounds" type="bool" value="false"/> </property> <property name="Xft" type="empty"> <property name="DPI" type="empty"/> <property name="Antialias" type="int" value="-1"/> <property name="Hinting" type="int" value="-1"/> <property name="HintStyle" type="string" value="hintnone"/> <property name="RGBA" type="string" value="none"/> <!-- <property name="Lcdfilter" type="string" value="none"/> --> </property> <property name="Gtk" type="empty"> <property name="CanChangeAccels" type="bool" value="false"/> <property name="ColorPalette" type="string" value="black:white:gray50:red:purple:blue:light blue:green:yellow:orange:lavender:brown:goldenrod4:dodger blue:pink:light green:gray10:gray30:gray75:gray90"/> <property name="FontName" type="string" value="Sans 10"/> <property name="IconSizes" type="string" value=""/> <property name="KeyThemeName" type="string" value=""/> <property name="ToolbarStyle" type="string" value="icons"/> <property name="ToolbarIconSize" type="int" value="3"/> <property name="IMPreeditStyle" type="string" value=""/> <property name="IMStatusStyle" type="string" value=""/> <property name="MenuImages" type="bool" value="true"/> <property name="ButtonImages" type="bool" value="true"/> <property name="MenuBarAccel" type="string" value="F10"/> <property name="CursorThemeName" type="string" value=""/> <property name="CursorThemeSize" type="int" value="0"/> <property name="IMModule" type="string" value=""/> </property> </channel>
Read comment 4 again, your xml is broken. Type should be "string" and value "xfce-curve"/"gnome".
Oh, holy hell. Guess who's embarrassed now? :/