Created attachment 4334 mount-plugin's log Steps to reproduce: 1) Enable 'Use sudo' in mount-plugin proprieties. 2) Click an entry to umount in mount list menu of mount-plugin Actual result: Desktop (or system) is frozen Build & Platform: Build 2012-04-17 on ArchLinux Additional info: I confirmed this when umount USB stick and Internal HDD. Attached is error log (.xsession-errors). Messages after xfsettingsd's one are probably occurred after Pressing Magic SysRq key. version: mount-plugin git-master xfce4-panel git-master (Built 2012-04-14)
What happens if you uncheck 'use sudo' and use custom command 'sudo umount %d' instead ? And if you unmount it from a commandline ?
I found the cause of this issue. Sorry, I didn't read tooltip (and I should have known), I didn't configure that sudo requires no password. After correcting the configuration, mount-plugin works properly. So, when sudo requires password, desktop is frozen. Though this is my mistake, current behavior should be improved to avoid freezes, imho. (In reply to comment #1) > What happens if you uncheck 'use sudo' and use custom command 'sudo umount > %d' instead ? And if you unmount it from a commandline ? 'sudo umount %d' freezes desktop. Using commanline works properly.
I'll remove the checkbox option soon, experienced people who want to use sudo should use the custom commands to set it..that wont fix the "freezez" (actually not a freeze, it's just the process waiting user input which cant come..) but would make it harder to happen.
Option removed in the just-released 0.6.2 version.