With libxfce4ui 4.9.1 under FreeBSD, when I enable gladeui, compilation fails. - glade3-3.7.3 - libxfce4ui-4.9.1 (under FreeBSD, this library calls libxfce4menu) Full log: http://avignu.tuxfamily.org/FreeBSD/build-libxfce4ui.log Note: with libxfce4ui-4.9.0, everything was ok
This one is because the release was created with intltool >= 0.50, and doesn't build on systems with intltool > 0.50 because it doesn't have --no-translations It's not BSD related.
actually I meant not building with intltool < 0.50. Anyway, adding a link to some sort of upstream report of that: https://bugs.launchpad.net/intltool/+bug/903340
Hello Olivier, The log is not available, the link returns a 404 error code, can you provide a new log? Thank you, Mike
The issue seems related to intltool as pointed out by Mark, the bug is as of now closed. If it's wrong, please reopen. Thank you for the report :) Mike