Created attachment 3792 Panel in normal mode and in outlined mode When I start the "Panel preferences" dialog, the panel gets outlined with a dashed red line. Then, the panel size increases by 1 pixel in both horizontal and vertical direction. If I have a panel at the bottom of the screen, with 100% horizontal length, the panel is being shifted by 1 pixel to the right and to the top. This doesn't look good and irritates me a little. The attached image illustrates the problem. It shows the left edge of the panel in normal mode, and to its right and to its bottom I attached the edge of the panel when it is outlined during "Panel preferences" dialog. One can see how the outlined panel was shifted 1 pixel to the right and to the top.
You are kidding right?
I am not, sorry that you take it that way. I know that it is only a cosmetic bug, but looks matter and IMHO this bug makes Xfce look somewhat "unprofessional".
This is because when the panel is on a screen edge, the bottom border is not shown, however when the panel is selected, this is disabled to show a full selection. It only helps to identify a panel, a incomplete selection is not fully efficient here.
Hi, I was opening a new bug about it. :S Sorry Nick, but this is not just a cosmetic bug.. When you have a desktop icon on the bottom edge (The same applies to the rest of the edges.), and open the preferences dialogs, many times, these icons change position erratically. Remember that the position of the icons in xfdesktop are saved every time you change the size of desktop (screen_size - panel_size - 16) (The 16 is due margins) I,e.: I have a screen of 1366x768, and a panel on botton of 32px: * This generates a configuration file: ~/.config/xfce4/desktop/icons.screen0-1350x720.rc * When open preferences dialog: Generate the file: ~/.config/xfce4/desktop/icons.screen0-1350x719.rc If you have the misfortune of have set the icons at the bottom, these will accommodate again, and never remaining sorted correctly.. :( This is erratic, because the icons are not distributed equally on the desktop (Many times remains a bottom margin of a few pixels), but now that I'm working on this bug[1] it is very important. [1]: