I run Xfce on my desktop machine with two screens (:0.0, :0.1) using the default XDG dirs ($HOME/.config and $HOME/.cache. I also like to run a VNC server on this machine with Xfce as the desktop environment. I start Xfce within the VNC server as follows: export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=/users/djc/.config2 export XDG_CACHE_HOME=/users/djc/.cache2 unset SESSION_MANAGER startxfce4 & However, if I alter the "Window shortcuts" in the "Window Manager Preferences" settings panel in the VNC server session, the keyboard shortcuts are modified for the instance running on :0.0 and :0.1 as well. It appears that the same custom shortcuts file is being used between the two instances of Xfce.
I think one instance of xfwm4 can manage more than one screen.
(In reply to comment #1) Yes, it can and does manage multiple screens. That is how my primary desktop is configured. While composing a longer reply explaining what I need, I did some checking and found that the problem is that the key theme is not stored under an XDG directory, it is stored in $HOME/.themes/..., so the same theme was being modified by both displays. Now that I know this, I can just create a different named theme and point the VNC instance at it. I'm going to close the bug as INVALID.