thunar for xubuntu 11.04 has bugs: 1.removeable disk can't umount in thunar!! 2.can't creat file link file can't modify to executable attribute
thunar for xubuntu 11.04 has bugs: 1.removeable disk can't umount in thunar!! 2.can't creat file link 3.file can't modify to executable attribute
bug report has bugs: 1. too many exclamation marks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2. too many exclamation marks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3. zero entropy
*** Bug 7681 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
1. Depends on your system configuration, not a Thunar bug. 2. Drag and drop with right mouse button or create a custom action 3. Right click on the file -> Properties -> Permissions tab -> last item And as said by Benedikt, please learn how to report bugs: - meaningful titles - one bug report per problem - describe your issue correctly - no "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Closing this as invalid.