Hey, I noticed during the pre-upload copyright/license review that some files were missing those bits in libxfcegui4: Files: examples/decorbutton/decorbutton.c examples/iconbutton/iconbutton.c examples/margins/margins.c examples/menubutton/menubutton.c examples/movehandler/movehandler.c examples/netk/netk.c examples/pager/pager.c examples/preview_filesel/preview_filesel.c examples/session/session.c examples/tasklist/tasklist.c examples/togglebutton/togglebutton.c libxfcegui4/netk-inlinepixbufs.h libxfcegui4/xfce-startup-notification.h Copyright: *No copyright* License: UNKNOWN FIXME Files: libxfcegui4/gtk_style.c libxfcegui4/icons.h Copyright: *No copyright* License: LGPL-2+ FIXME And the glade part is licensed under GPL-2. Is that expected (some code is written by Ximian so it might be because of the original license) since all libxfcegui4 is LGPL-2+
Pushed a bunch of fixes, please review then I'll make a new release.
Thank you, looks fine :)