Multiple selection does not work right in xffm. Upon moving to a new directory, that directory is selected. Now drag a file somewhere, and both the directory and file are selected, as if ctrl were held down! I'm sure this is not the intented behaviour. It also happens when you have a file selected, and click and drag a second file, they both get selected!
Additional information: This is not a feature request, I find xffm to be unusable when trying to drag/drop the way it works now.
selection will no longer occur on expand/collapse events. Also, the "new" multiple selection mode no longer relies on mouse move. Instead, if you hold down the mouse long enough, the unselected items will be reselected. And further more, the option to turn off the "new" multiple selection mode and return to classic gtk behaviour is now available from the options main menu.
applied fix to 4.1 tree as well.