Created attachment 2362 Proposed patch for the desktop file Hi, In Xubuntu, Gigolo's desktop file has been patched to be more "descriptive". Here is the patch, maybe you'll be interested as a basis for improvement. ;) Thanks.
I'm not sure whether this would be an improvement. At least I'm used to find application titles in my menu, not abstract descriptions. Furthermore, according to the "Desktop Entry Specification" "Remote Filesystems" should be in GenericName, not in Name. The spec says "Name" is the application name, so I would like to keep it this way.
Yeah, the desktop file is fine for me, and nobody complained in ubuntu about that, so I guess it's fine not to care.
If you think nobody complained, you're completely wrong. There have been lots of complaints in lots of different fora; you're probably just tuning them out. When it comes down to it, this name is completely unprofessional and reflects rather poorly on XFCE and its community. Would you name a vital package "Whore" or "Cunt"?? Why would you think _male_ prostitution is somehow more acceptable?
Oh, indeed, there have been so many complaints in ubuntu that not a single bug report was filed on launchpad about that! (maybe you have time to read forums, but many developers don't, so anything not on a bugtracker/developer mailing list/developer irc channel is very likely to be forgotten/ignored...) Anyway, if you're not happy with the name of an app, you should probably contact its upstream author directly (bugtrackers aren't great for that kind of discussions). Distributions will usually follow whatever naming upstream chooses.
I'm with Lionel here, developers, at least me, usually don't follow *any* forums. There are the Xfce mailing lists, the bug tracker and private mail to contact me. So if there were *so* many complaints, they didn't reach any of these channels until now. Back to the topic: I don't see a real need to rename the application. I really don't consider it "unprofessional". It's a just a name and most probably makes most people shortly smile about it before realising it's a serious program to help with daily work. There is a loose relation between the application name and the person who is a Gigolo as stated on the website. Though this is really just fun and shouldn't considered too serious. Why does always everything have to be so super serious? Just relax and use the program if you like it or don't if you don't like it.