If you import a recurring event with a time in an American timezone and a start before the American shift to summer time (eg. a weekly event with a time of 9:00 am America/Los_Angeles time starting in February this year) and view it with a local timezone of (say) Europe/Dublin where the summertime shift hasn't happened yet the event shows up at the wrong time (in this case 17:00 instead of 16:00) and the alarm goes off at the wrong time. Similar things presumably happen for events in any non-local timezone which changes in or out of DST on a different date to the local timezone. A workaround is to change the start date of the event to some date after the shift to summer time, but then this problem will recur in the opposite direction in the Autumn.
will test this
This reproduces in production 4.6 version and also in the internal development version, which uses different repeat calculation method. Serious bug. Not easy to fix. Thanks for the report.
Fixed in Orage
fixed finally.
in 4.8.0