The blog feed is not displayed in the frontpage. I committed a "fix" but it doesn't resolve it. The only indication in the source code of the generated html page is: <!-- Feed is loaded from cache -->. But the cache lasts only for 1 hour, so what I changed must be wrong. Here is the changeset: The old url /?feed=rss2 is a redirection to /feed/ thus it didn't download anything. Thanks for looking into it further.
Just a thought, as the website is running as well it could very well conflict. I didn't backport the fix to the branch.
I've forced a cache update using www-test and now it seems to work again.
It looks like the cache went empty again.
I run it on a local machine, and I note the following bug: - delete /tmp/xfce_org_feed_cache.php - open the website: the feed gets loaded + parsed properly - execute: touch --date='[ONE_HOUR_EARLIER]' /tmp/xfce_org_feed_cache.php - reopen the website: the feed gets loaded + parsed but it saves $feed = FALSE instead :/
Well no. I just redid the test, now it pulled the feed properly, thrice even...
It "works" again... :)
Yeah weird, maybe also related to the permission stuff, duno, let's keep an eye on it.