in the stable verison, when you didnt pitch it, it wont pitch on next time. but the the beta version cant do this i just want nerver remember this session. sorry for my english xfce4.5.91 archlinux
Works fine here. If I check the box and log out, then log in again, and then log out, it's still checked. If I uncheck the box, and log out, then log in again, and log out, it's still unchecked.
are u use the 4.5.91 verison of xfce4? i tried many times, check and then uncheck, rm .cache/session and uncheck it always be checked
i know what is the matter. if you enable gnome-keyring and compile, you'll have this problem. i disabled it, now it was fine.
Ok, nevermind. Olivier managed to dupe this and figured out the cause. Need to add a dbus message filter in xfconfd to catch bus disconnects and flush all settings channels before exiting. Seems when the session quits, dbus-daemon gets killed, which kills xfconfd before it writes out the setting.
Ok, should be fixed with rev 28401.