Created attachment 1824 2 Patches to update_label When I translated xfce4-radio-plugin to the Russian, the inclusion of plugin to panel following error occurred: *** Glibc detected *** / usr/lib/xfce4/panel-plugins/xfce4-radio-plugin: free (): invalid next size (fast): 0x0930c388 *** And plugin don't loads. The bug was found in the function update_label. There was a limit to the number of bytes MAX_LABEL_LENGTH, and improperly allocated memory in excess of the number of bytes. The number of bytes in a word "- выкл -" (in russian) more than number of bytes in a word "- off -". I made two patch: one removes the restriction on the number of bytes, and second makes this restriction by using the utf8. I applied to the first patch, because it is simpler. I had to mail translate later.
Fixed in SVN rev. 4397