User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/3.5; Linux) KHTML/3.5.8 (like Gecko) (Gentoo) Build Identifier: The list of processes in xfce4-taskmanager-0.3.* grows each time it's refreshed. The first (or the first two) processes (in sort order) are inserted on top of the list again and again. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: Run xfce4-taskmanager. Actual Results: The process list grows forever. This behaviour might happen or not according to the theme used. I've encountered the problem on Gentoo Linux AMD64 essentially.
confirmed on amd64/Xubuntu 7.10/GTK+ 2.12.0-1ubuntu3
Created attachment 1637 Calculate pagesize with portable function and fallback to 4K Fixed in revision 4763. But still, with x86_64 processors some people see a value of 0 for either the CPU usage and/or the RSS usage of each processes. I'm not able to reproduce here, and I don't have an idea of what is going wrong, except for the RSS value. Check the attached patch, if it helps let me know.
I'm now using xfce4-taskmanager-0.4.0 on Gentoo (x86 and x86_64) and the bug has gone. Thanks.