I configured thunar-svn-plugin as ./configure --prefix=/usr. Configure, build, and install is fine. But, then I tryed to update or commit something. This error is appers: Could not spawn '/usr/local/libexec/tsp-svn-helper' Сбой при выполнении процесса-потомка "/usr/local/libexec/tsp-svn-helper" (No such file or category). Plugin search bad path. Right path is : /usr/libexec/tsp-svn-helper. Sorry for my bad english.
I tried to reproduce this bug by compiling the svn plugin with ./configure --prefix=/usr at first it seem to work for me, so i changed the prefix again. but then i discovered when reconfiguring a already build package, after the ./configure you run 'make' but make doesn't see any changes so the plugin isn't rebuild. to fix this, run 'make clean' and 'make' again so the plugin is rebuild. after you install this new build the problem should be fixed. note: thunar probebly needs to restart before the newly installed plugin is loaded. since thunar can run as a daemon run 'Thunar -q' to be sure all instances of thunar are closed.
As Peter explained, this is not an actual bug.