This report is a follow up on - After checking the "save session for future logins" xfce-session fails to start seamonkey, Terminal and other apps which are not in the systray. Applications in the systray (e.g. kopete) are launched correctly on login. to reproduce 1. launch Terminal 2. logout while checking the save session option. 3. login
Seamonkey, Firefox, etc. aren't session aware, so there's no chance for xfce4-session to restart them. Terminal will be restarted as long as xfce4-session is build with legacy session management support (enabled by default).
The bug report regarding Terminal not restored was verified with SVN Xfce on Arch. I'm not running the SVN version ATM but I can say that with the Mandriva packages both Terminal and Thunar are not launched with saved sessions. I hope I can it reverified later with SVN version. P.S. If someone can edit the title to say xfce-session doesn't _remember_ non-docked application for future logins
Just edit the "Summary" field above.
Hmm, this works fine for me with current SVN trunk. Both Terminal and Thunar get restored properly after saving session and logging out and back in.
Mandriva bug seems to indicate they fixed this in their package. What did they do?
This clearly works; marking fixed.