When, in the Places plugin, I open the menu "Recent Documents", I see a list of my recent documents, but below it it says "No items found" while it clearly has. Here's a screenshot: http://www.filegunner.net/uploadedimages/297329no_items_found.png
From Vincent via email: Xubuntu Gutsy release candidate Places 1.0beta1 GTK 2.12.0
Should be fixed in svn r3391. I don't have access to GTK 2.12 right now, however, so I can't test it. I think the problem was that "No items found" is in a hidden menu item in the recent chooser menu's internals. I was using gtk_widget_show_all() on the top-level menu, which probably recursed down to having the "No items found" show up all the time. Please log this bug if you can confirm this fix (or otherwise).
Confirmed fix on a virtual box image of Xubuntu Gutsy RC.