When updating keyboard shortcuts under the WM settings, I must restart X (assumedly to restart the window manager) to get the shortcuts to work. IMO, this should happen immediately, especially since Xfce frowns upon having a "restart WM" option therein.
here they are applied immediately (lastest Xfce, freshnew compiled), the shortcut editor tell the mcs-manager that the keybinding theme changed
Yes, same here, but then (at least for me) the shortcuts don't work until I restart the wm.
I'm not so sure that this should be "feature request" and not "bug": I just tried to add some shortcuts and they didn't work immediately. I killed the WM and restarted (something I don't think I should have to do)... no success. I switched to the Default keytheme, confirmed that some of my shortcuts weren't working, and switched back... no success. I manually edited the ~/.themes/xfwm4/custom.keys/keythemerc file, added my shortcuts (which weren't even in there)... still no success. Now I can't delete the extra shortcuts that I added (how do you do that?) Seems more like a bug to me...
You don't need to restart the WM, just switch to another keytheme back and forth. That's because the shorcut manager change the *content* of the key theme while MCS notifies the WM when the *"name* of the key theme changes.
I should have put those in better order, because the first thing I tried to do was to change themes back and forth. That didn't do anything, so THEN I killed the WM. Neither way did I have any success.
Then it's somethign else in your config because changing back and forth *does* work (not to mention that restarting the WM will work too)
couldn't the shortcut editor just run 'killall -USR1 xfwm4' after they keytheme is modified to have xfwm4 reload the it?
Sorry, I forgot to update that bug. The issue is fixed, I've implemented raw channels in libxfce4mcs and changed the shortcut editor to use it. As for the "kill", it wouldn't work because the MCS manager and the client (xfwm4 in this case) doesn't necessarily run on the same system... Anyway, I close that bug, it's fixed in CVS for a couple of days.
Thanks so much Olivier!