There was no .desktop entry for xfce4-mixer and had to start it from ALT-F2 and xfce4-mixer. Not so ideal, because not everyone wants it to appear in panel. I've included following in Gentoo (actually being used now in Portage) [Desktop Entry] Encoding=UTF-8 Version=0.9.2 Name=Volume control Type=Application Comment=Mixer GUI and panel plugin Exec=xfce4-mixer TryExec=xfce4-mixer Path= Icon=xfce4-mixer Categories=Application;AudioVideo; It's likely not exactly how you want it, so please adjust to "xfce format" Thanks, drac
Hm, that program started out as a helper for the Xfce4 mixer panel plugin and not as a standalone program :-) But good idea, I've added something like it to the 4.4 branch.