I have tried changing my mouse cursor theme using both the mouse settings dialog and adding Xcursor.theme to ~/.Xdefaults. Under both circumstances the mouse cursor only uses the theme when the cursor is hovering over certain applications (e.g. Firefox and OpenOffice). Under all other circumstances the default black Xorg cursors are displayed. I have tried using the Flatbed and Jimmac cursor themes and they both behave the same. IceWM does not exhibit this problem.
Did you restart X after changing themes?
Yeah, a couple of times. The weird thing is, since testing in IceWM and switching back to Xfce it seems to be working.
I also observe this bug (Xfce 4.4.0 on Gentoo, PhoenitySilver cursors). I extracted the cursors to /usr/share/cursors/xorg-x11 and set them as the default using the Cursor tab of the Mouse Preferences dialog.
The cursoe is set using either XSETTINGS for apps that supports it, or from xrdb. What does "xrdb -query" gives? Here I get: Xcursor.size: 32 Xcursor.theme: default Xcursor.theme_core: true Xft.antialias: 1 Xft.dpi: 120 Xft.hinting: 1 Xft.hintstyle: hintmedium Xft.rgba: none
It would seem that if I delete all mouse theme settings from gtk.xml (as if I was starting from scratch) and set Xcursor.theme then, of all the programs that I use, only the Xfce splash screen, Firefox and OpenOffice.org use the specified cursor theme. However, if I delete Xcursor.theme from my .Xdefaults and set the cursor theme using the Xfce mouse settings, everything except the aforementioned programs use that cursor theme. It would appear that to have all applications use a mouse theme I need to specify it in both .Xdefaults and gtk.xml.
I forgot to mention, xrdb -query only produces output under the session where I change the cursor theme using the Xfce mouse settings dialog. If I close and restart Xfce, it no longer produces output. $ xrdb -query Xcursor.size: 21 Xcursor.theme: jimmac Xcursor.theme_core: true
Do you have a file named $HOME/.config/xfce4/Xcursor.xrdb ? This file is created by the UI plugin, check it's content. The file is loaded by the startup script. Make sure you use the startup script we provide (most preferably the one from current SVN,either from the 4.4 branch or trunk).
xrdb -query output: Xft.antialias: 1 Xft.hinting: 1 Xft.hintstyle: hintslight Xft.rgba: none ~/.config/xfce4/Xcursor.xrdb: Xcursor.theme: PhoenitySilver Xcursor.theme_core: true Xcursor.size: 21
Rebooted the machine into Windows XP, then back into Linux, ran startx, and now the cursors work.
Using startxfce4 seems to work for me; although I still don't get any Xcursor.* directives in my xrdb output (I do, however, get the contents of my .Xdefaults which I didn't before, despite them working), cursor themes seem to work in all applications.
(In reply to comment #10) > Using startxfce4 seems to work for me; although I still don't get any Xcursor.* > directives in my xrdb output (I do, however, get the contents of my .Xdefaults > which I didn't before, despite them working), cursor themes seem to work in all > applications. Do you use the xinitrc script we provide as part of the xfce-utils package? Ideally, you'd try the one from svn, ie that one: http://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/xfce-utils/branches/xfce_4_4/scripts/xinitrc
I placed that file in ~/.config/xfce4/ and now the Xcursor.* directives appear in the output of xrdb -query. It also "fixed" my panel and desktop fonts; they were a bit big before.
We have the same problem in Xubuntu Gutsy : https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4/+bug/157447
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