When I set up a custom menu into the xfce panel, go to its properties and click "edit menu", I always get the system default menu rather than the custom menu as designated. the menueditor application is past the menu file as an argument, but the code ignores it. I have been maintaining a patch set for a few months now, with my meager knowledge of c. I shall attempt to attach it.
Created attachment 985 patch to allow menueditor to accept a menu file argument Please forgive me if the patch is formatted wrong, or if the code is not perfect. I'm a bit new to debugging. I have successfully recompiled it, and it fixes the bug on my Ubuntu Feisty Fawn release.
The priority and severity of this bug should be elevated. I'm deploying production machines and this bug has just bitten us rather badly with unintended corruption of the Desktop Menu when users thought they were editing a panel menu. It's cost quite a few hours to troubleshoot and clean things up. It's a definte improper behavior, and very confusing to unsuspecting users.
fixed with revision 25336 based on the provided patch
Thank you!