When: Panel to left or right. Not expanded. A window is partly hidden, snapped to window-edge. Resizing mod+LMB What: Can only resize upwards if I resize so the upper edge of the window is over the panel. The window is stuck in size till the resizing is big enough, then it jumps in size. (Sometimes equal when resizing downwards). Hope I made myself clear enough. Thanks for XFCE /Martin ( Debian Edge + NVIDIA + COMPIZ )
Are you using Compiz or xfwm4?
Ok, I think I know what you mean and it should be now fixed in SVN. FYI, Compiz is a window manager, so is xfwm4, therefore you cannot run both simultaneously. I guess, from the report, that you are running xfwm4 (otherwise, this bug doesn't belong to us). I guess you are confusing Compiz (the OpenGL window manager that requires XGL/AIGLX) and the compositor, which is the technique used to achieve transparency and shadows. xfwm4 includes a compositing manager, but it's not Compiz.
Should be fixed in svn. Please reopen if not...
Thanks. I will check the svn sometime. Yes Im running xfwm not compiz. And yes Im just a bit confused of compiz ;)
Well actually, it's a bit more complex than what I thought... I need to work a bit more on this issue, to see if I can come up with something better. Reopening bug.
Closing. It's now fixed in SVN.