The line to start xscreensaver in the xinitrc script (test $UID -gt 0 -a -z $VNCSESSION && xscreensaver -no-splash &) doesn't work that way. test returns "bash: test: argument expected" and fails. I recommend something like if [ ${UID} -gt 0 ] && [ "x${VNCSESSION}" = "x" ] ; then xscreensaver -no-splash & fi or similar, bash has many ways to do this ;-) Regards, Nick.
my version of xinitrc (4.0.5) has the line: test $UID -gt 0 && xscreensaver -no-splash & and works correctly. try it out.
the line has been updated recently in the CVS branch and in principle is intended as it is. Only the implementation is not ok. The 4.0.5 version of course works but doesn't consider VNC sessions. Nick.
Sorry, this aims at the same as bug #238
ok fixed
fixed so i close it