When you load an image into Kuickshow, you can press <RETURN> to get a full-screen view. This full-screen view is just that; the image filling the whole screen, with no title bar or window decorations. Or at least that's the way it's designed. However, when I do this in XFCE 4.0.1, I see a title bar even when Kuickshow is displaying the image full-screen. I'm not supposed to see a title bar when Kuickshow is displaying an image full-screen! I emailed Carsten Pffeiffer (the developer of Kuickshow) about this, and Pffeiffer says that the fault lies with the window manager.
Sorry I reject this bug. Kuickshow is not EWMH compatible (at least kuickshow version 0.9.2, the one I have) an xprop shows the following atoms defined: _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE(ATOM) = _KDE_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_OVERRIDE, _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_NOR MAL "_KDE_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_OVERRIDE" is *not* EWMH standard, while _NET_WM_STATE (the standard) is empty. The fault is on kuickshow not being EWMH compliant. Olivier.
Closing some rejected bug. Olivier, hope you don't mind.