Perhaps detect if the file /usr/sbin/hibernate exists, and if it does, add that option to the menu.
This is part of xfce-session, so I'm changing the bug component accordingly.
I could be sane also to check if there exists /proc/resume or /sys/power/suspend2 (or the equivalents for vanilla kernels), as the hibernate scripts might exists but user may have it disabled in boot cmdline
Created attachment 734 hibernate/suspend support for xfce-session (as posted at xfce-dev-list)
You have my vote, I was coming here to file just the same request. However, I'd like it to be a bit configurable, for example I need the --force switch. Instead of implementing all possible options a textbox for options added to the commandline would suffice IMO.
Any chance this is addressed before the 4.4 launch?
I cannot test this patch right now. And it touches quite a lot of code, so I'm not really in favor of appling that for 4.4.
Any chance this feature makes it into the next release?
I'm gonna go with the Xubuntu patch, or at least a rewrite of it to account for recent xfce4-session changes. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 2672 ***