- create a new .arj archive - open the add dialog the slide bar at the bottom is inverted. 0 is right, 4 is left. the blue part (color depends on the gtk+ theme of course) is on the right side of the slider, not on the left. every other filetype has this slide bar the correct way, i only noticed it for .arj files.
From arj -? m: with Method 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 m0: store (no compression) m1: good compression (default) m2: less memory and compression m3: FAST! less compression m4: FASTEST! least compression So the behaviour is inverted respect to the one of the other archivers. From left to right the compression level decreases while in the others increases. So to avoid confusion I inverted the slider.
Marked bug as invalid because this is the arj behaviour as explaned above.