On Windows it is possible to press Windows+print to generate screenshots whose names are such that they have the date and time in them and they are made such that they automatically are ordered in the file browser. Such a function is very practical if you try out things and want to follow up what you have done. Also want to show some actions to someone else, with such a tool you can provide him the sequence of screenshots as a reminder. I have tried to achieve the same goal with the version of xfce4-screenshooter packaged with Xubuntu 18.04, i.e. with xfce4-screenshooter 1.8.2, but I did not achieve the goal to let it do all of its work just after it is called. I called it this way from a terminal: `v@v:~$ xfce4-screenshooter -mw -s ~/tmp (xfce4-screenshooter:11349): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:17:55.637: Im Modulpfad »hcengine« konnte keine Themen-Engine gefunden werden, v@v:~$ ` But it just stops and wants me to approve or change the filename it has chosen, e.g. Bildschirmfoto_2020-01-07_13-17-55.png The filename is perfectly ok and there is little chance that it will conflict with an existing file. I am almost at my goal, I just have to press `Speichern` in the dialogue. However if I am trying something or explain something to someone, these dialogues annoy and I want them to be asserted by default. Probably my desire could be fulfilled if xfce4-screenshooter would have an option to silently do its job without asking any question. Possibly it is already there but just missing in the online help ...
See Bug 14156.