if i have "monitor enabled" selected in the options menu, and click on a file to rename, if i don't type the new filename fast enough, the input box loses focus and the rename gets canceled (due to the file check update, presumably).
Additional information: Apparently the lost focus only occurs if an update condition is detected and therefore the tree is updated.
Fixed as best as possible. The best solution would be to disable monitor when a cell goes into edit mode, but the only signal provided by gtk is when the cell exits edit mode. So the fix which seems to work OK and almost completely eliminates the problem, has been to avoid updating the modification time of everchanging directories like /proc, /dev, /var/log, /var/lock, /var/tmp, /var/mail, /var/run, /tmp. These are the ones in FreeBSD. If other eternally changing directories exists which should be included, reopen bug report and list the directories so they can be included in the exclusion list. fix committed to CVS HEAD.