Created attachment 8885 screenshot of the off by one error for "highlight all" Under certain circumstances the "Highlight All" button of the Find feature does not highlight all instances of the found text in yellow. In this case the very last instance never got highlighted in yellow for the whole duration of the query for "XMIT_EXPLICIT_MESSAGE_OBJECT". Pressing the "Next" and "Previous" buttons will cycle through and highlight in gray each of the matches including the one that has not been highlighted in yellow. This seemingly occurs randomly only one persists for a single Find query. Changing the query will cause the issue to vanish for a while. Returning to the same query after searching for something else does not reproduce the bug. This occurred while I had 8 instances of mouse-pad running at the same time with multiple tabs and find queries going on at the same time. I do not believe that the developers will be able to consistently reproduce the bug. However, there could be value in keeping this observation in mind on the off chance that the off-by-one error still is possible in newer versions.
Created attachment 8886 another screenshot of off by one error
Please test with the latest release (0.4.2), and let us know if the bug still occurs.
I can't reliably reproduce the bug on 4.0, I do not believe I will be able to reproduce it on 4.2.
I still cannot reproduce this bug with the latest version, so I am closing the report for now.