In the keyboard settings under the Layout tab, the 'Change layout option' list shows 'Left Win (while pressed)' twice. One of these is actually 'Right Win (while pressed)' with the wrong display name. As a side note: Throughout Xfce the Windows-key is named Super, which I approve of. For consistency the aforementioned list should use the same nomenclature, replacing Win with Super.
The description is obtained from the xkeyboard-config data. See: Therefore, not a bug in xfce4-settings. Regarding the consistency request, I do not know if changing the given descriptions is a good idea.
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I created a merge request for changing 'Left' to 'Right' in the description:
Your change was merged upstream. Thanks! I suggest that you open a new Xfce bug report for the second part.
Under what Product and Component?
The same.