Open whisker menu and right click in the area with the farvorites to see context menu with: Sort Alphabetically A-Z Sort Alphabetically Z-A Are the icons for the menu items not switched? With A-Z i would think the arrow should point down like it does in Thunar when A is at the top.
I disagree. I use the icons as they are named: "sort-ascending" for A-Z, and "sort-descending" for Z-A. If Thunar is reversed from Whisker Menu, I would think that would be a bug. Also, the direction of the arrow depends on the icon theme; some themes have the arrow pointing up for A-Z, and some have it pointing down. I personally think it should be pointing up, and the theme I use has it that way.
Thunar and Nautilus (GNOME) uses arrow down = A on top. Windows Explorer (the file manager) uses arrow up = A on top. Mozilla Firefox on Windows uses arrow down = A on top. Mozilla Firefox on Linux uses arrow up = A on top. The arrow graphics are not identical in Mozilla Firefox on Windows/Linux. So from my little test i guess people cant agree. But we could make it consistent at least across Xfce if we can agree on what to use. I suppose if you call it ascend/descend that that might tell what way the arrow should point.