If i right click a file in Thunar and select open with and choose another program i get a long list of programs to open the file with. But in this list is also: Floating Xfce Pop art squares Pictures folder Since these are screensavers or screensaver themes i guess they are not made for opening other files. So i suggest changing the .desktop files so they dont show up in the list. The 3 .desktop files are inside; /usr/share/applications/screensavers/ /usr/share/applications/screensavers/xfce-popsquares.desktop contains: Exec=/usr/libexec/xfce4-screensaver/popsquares TryExec=/usr/libexec/xfce4-screensaver/popsquares StartupNotify=false Terminal=false Type=Application Categories=Screensaver; OnlyShowIn=XFCE; So maybe Type=Application can be changed to something else to exclude them from the list of applications. Just guessing. I dont know if Thunar just shows all .desktop files inside /usr/share/applications/ in the list of applications or if it have a filter so not show the things that are not for opening files. All the things from Settings Manager are also in the list like Power Manager etc.
Sean Davis referenced this bugreport in commit f2f3f87de97d87985e19b28f616398a871534340 Hide screensaver themes from 'Open with' options (bug 15531) https://git.xfce.org/apps/xfce4-screensaver/commit?id=f2f3f87de97d87985e19b28f616398a871534340
Thanks for the bug report! I was able to reproduce and applied the above fix to hide the options from the Open with menu while still showing them in the screensaver options.
Where can i read about "Hidden="? I dont see it on https://specifications.freedesktop.org/menu-spec/menu-spec-1.1.html
It's on https://specifications.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/desktop-entry-spec-latest.html#recognized-keys Technically I should have used NoDisplay, but it seems Thunar doesn't honor that setting in the Open With menu.
If NoDisplay is meant for that then i suggest we use that. And then i can create another bug to get Thunar to honor it.