HPLJP Toolbox is added to the menus with a ~/.local/share/applications/hplip.desktop file containing : [Desktop Entry] Name=HPLIP cd Toolbox # GenericName=Printer Toolbox Comment=HP Printing System Control Center # Exec=hp-toolbox Exec=sh -c 'STARTED_FROM_MENU=yes /usr/bin/hp-toolbox' Icon=hp_logo.png # Icon=/usr/share/hplip/data/images/32x32/hp_logo.png Categories=Settings;DesktopSettings;X-XFCE-SettingsDialog;X-XFCE-HardwareSettings; # Terminal=false Type=Application StartupNotify=true NotShowIn=KDE; NoDisplay=false OnlyShowIn=XFCE; X-XfcePluggable=true Path= Terminal=false The entry shows up on the desktop menu under Settings with Icon but in the Settings Manager although the HP Toolbox shows up it has no Icon. ~.local/share/icons/hp_logo.png exists but using the alternate Icon line in the .desktop file produces the same result. xfsettingsd 4.12.4. Occurs on both Debian Testing and Linux Mint 19 Tara.
Apologies. The functional Icon line does produce an Icon in Settings Manger when changed to Icon=hp_logo (without the .png).
This is a broken line in the desktop file imo. Either it's without extension (icon name) or full or relative path.