Created attachment 8445 tooltip with mini icon I have the following behaviour with program starters in the panel bar. When I select an icon from the list in the symbol chooser under the drop down item "application symbols" (translated from German) or another icon category then the icon looks fine in the tooltip. But when I select "picture files" (translated from German) from the drop down in the symbol chooser and browse for an icon manually in the file system then the icons in the tooltip have the wrong size. I tested this with .svg and .png files: /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/audacious.svg /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/audacious.png
Ok, just to make sure: both things don't work - svg *and* png?
Thanks for creating a separate bugreport and clarifying the issue. I reproduced it and after some digging around I managed to come up with a very simple patch. It seems like gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file_at_scale doesn't like the GTK_ICON_SIZE* macros...
Simon Steinbeiss referenced this bugreport in commit bbfb18d41ce94ff9d3d33bd9b532b6fdfaf9332e launcher: Fix tooltip icon size (Bug #15319)
Many thanks, works like a charm :-)