Created attachment 8352 patch 1. Settings file was multiple times owerwritten on setting load. 2. Window size, sort colum, sort order and paned position saved only if main window was closed before user click QUIT in tray menu. 3. Settings writed out to file every time than user change sometnig (exept p. 2).
please separate the style/cosmetic/indentation changes from the actual behaviour changes.. and try to respect the style of the existing code wrt indentation/line breaks :) also i'm not sure deferring settings saving at application close is a good idea, as if taskman crashes for whatever reason, then the modified settings are lost.
Created attachment 8551 patch update Probably new description is: rework setting save to not flood to setting file :)
Why the need for settings->loading ? have you seen race conditions between settings saving and loading at startup ?
Because on settings apply it save it every time to file. settings->loading prevents save setting on load.
rim referenced this bugreport in commit be159c9a69c5b17dc9dacdda93590f33865a8bcd Improve settings saving (bug #15213)
tested working fine, thanks !
This caused a regression: now taskmanager doesn't close when esc is pressed.