It would be very useful if whiskermenu would search the "Keywords" fields of desktop files in addition to the Exec and the Comment fields. An example of where it could be of benefit would be for those that want to hide the many graphical settings applications, instead only using xfce4-settings-manager for the users. But Keywords would need to be added so that a novice user searching for "mouse" or "window" would have xfce4-settings-manager show up in the search results list. Another example would be to add the words "music" or "video" Keywords to certain media player apps that don't currently have them so that a search for music could return the media players. I do understand that this change would necessitate the applications to update their desktop launchers to populate the Keywords field, but this seems like the appropriate path to follow for this use case. Thank you for your consideration.
Graeme Gott referenced this bugreport in commit 31520361e35846b6a25f1fb99155b44a2fac80d7 Add searching keywords of menu items. (bug #15047)