I've seen several people report this problem in different forums. # Faulty Behaviour # - For the life of me I couldn't figure out why I suddenly couldn't search in my editor or web-browser after switching to xfce4, `ctrl+f` didn't "bite". - None of the shortcuts in the list where one of the "disappearing" ones (only the pre-confed standards that came with xfce4: opening display-settings with Mod4+p, etc...) # Finding Culprit # - using xev and then the `KEY1="Control";KEY2="f"; xdotool keydown ${KEY1}; xdotool keydown ${KEY2}; xdotool key XF86LogGrabInfo; xdotool keyup ${KEY1}; xdotool keyup ${KEY2};` trick I found that `xfsettingsd` was stealing the key-combo # Workaround # - I removed all the entries in the settings (I've spent so much time already today that I didn't have time to pinpoint, I don't like spreading my shortcuts all over the place anyway) - Now, voila, ctrl+f and ctrl+d works as usual. # My setup # - Ubuntu 17.04 / Zesty - `xfce4-about` says version is 4.12 # Possible complexity adders # - I have quite an elaborate xmodmap I've refined over the years to my liking, shared via git over several machines - I keep all my shortcuts in xbindkeys, shared via git over several machines - I do basically all my window-managment via xbindkeys -> xdotools - Works (almost well) in Ubuntu Unity, which has been nice to use, but it has it's issues with not having "real" workspaces which fails my setup - Works in Gnome Desktop, but I couldn't get a global menu to work there, which I'm used with since the Amiga 500 era - Now - with above caveat - works flawlessly with xfce4 - and global menu - so I dub it the winner hands down! Yippie! # Word of Mouth... # - Reports I've seen in forums have been even goofier, like plain `e` and `4` not working, etc. variations. - One person mentioned it starting with 4.12 - with no problems in 4.10 - I just pass this information along here.
Bullet two under "Faulty..." should be bullet two under "Finding Culprit" - re-arranged a little and missed that. Sorry for the confusion, found no way to edit the post.
Closing this report. If you are still affected by the bug, please let us know so that we can try to debug and actually pinpoint the issue. Thanks.