Using xfce-extra/xfce4-power-manager-1.6.0-r1 on Gentoo. This is primarily made for mobile systems showing the battery state. However the display power management is another main job. Using the power-manager on battery-less desktop systems for display power management only and for quick brightness setting, it is annoying to have a missing battery symbol. There are 2 modes using the power manager: 1. is as panel item 2. is as notification in the notification panel item. Both have some pro and cons: 1. Panel item: + Quick brightness change by scroll wheel on the icon. - Taking too much space with that error text and icon: [?] (0:00,0%) 2. Notification icon + No error text like the panel item, but still a "Missing battery" symbol - Scroll wheel not working Please adapt the application for battery less systems: Make the panel item configurable to show battery status or not. If not, just show some common display, power or brightness symbol for having the scroll wheel function, and no error text. (btw. with a usual 105 key-board without special key I see no way to change the display brightness if not configuring some custom shortcut for that)
Some additional comment about mode 2. Notification icon, there is some workaround for using the scroll wheel for brightness: Right click, waiting 2 seconds, scrolling on the appearing widget. But this is not very intuitive using the right click and slow with that 2 seconds delay.
Hi, so hiding the label when the device state is unknown (which is what should happen on a desktop system, at least as far as I can tell without having one) has been tackled recently, also see: Regarding which icon is shown: this is entirely determined by UPower (so not xfce4-power-manager). Could you attach the output of upower -d to this bugreport? This output also includes the icon name. Thanks!
Thanks. As for the panel item, it is not only the wrong icon but also the long (0:00,0%) percentage that is taking place. # upower -d Device: /org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/DisplayDevice power supply: no updated: So 29 Okt 2017 14:01:29 CET (69839 seconds ago) has history: no has statistics: no unknown warning-level: none icon-name: 'battery-missing-symbolic' Daemon: daemon-version: 0.99.6 on-battery: no lid-is-closed: no lid-is-present: no critical-action: PowerOff
Well the percentage is 0, as you don't have a battery. And it that respect the "battery-missing" icon is also not 100% wrong :) I would have expected a different icon name, but to be honest I don't even have a desktop pc available to test this with. I'll ask around.
I have a patch that tries to fix the icon for desktop systems, but as I don't have a desktop around for testing it's a best effort/guess. So please give it some testing: The icon shown should be "ac-adapter-symbolic" (which in "Adwaita" is a battery with a flash, so don't be irritated about that...)
Simon Steinbeiss referenced this bugreport in commit 560a960e663e43f319e703fb9c8e394829066a42 panel-plugin: Set ac-adapter icon for desktop systems (Bug #13959)
The branch linked to above has meanwhile seen some testing on desktop systems and after some iterations the problem should be fixed now. So on desktop systems I would expect an "ac-adapter" (systray) or "ac-adapter-symbolic" icon to show up instead of the battery-missing one. Regarding the percentage and remaining time I would suggest that for now you just hide that in the panel plugin's preferences dialog (I've recently added one for easy access to this option). I would prefer to not complicate the current code for automatically showing/hiding the label under certain conditions.
I'll consider this fixed for now as there are no more open requests.