Here are some suggestions to make even more customizable whisker menu: • Allow hide user name (and photo): For privacy • Allow to place the search box and actions in different places. Eg the search box above and action buttons below. • Allow hide categories: Personally I love the simple menus and I use the search box a lot, so I always have categories and there is no way to hide them. (the default view would be to show all applications). Cheers
How would that increase privacy? You can't hide your user name or photo in GNOME or KDE. You can put the search box above and the actions below, assuming you have your panel on top: just check "Position search entry next to panel button". I will not add even more places for the search box and actions. The code for allowing the different layouts is already complex as it is. Hiding the categories would again make the layout code more complex. And where would the favorites and recent buttons go? You can already hide the category names, which makes the sidebar much smaller. In the future, please open separate bug reports.
Closing for the reasons state before.