I have a keyboard without multimedia keys, so I map shortcut keys such as "Super+Page Up" in Keyboard -> Application Shortcuts to change the volume via pactl, e.g., "pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ +5%". While xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin worked fine and showed notifications for such volume changes, since version 0.2.5 (I'm on Fedora 25) the plugin no longer shows notifications for me. I can get back the notifications if I go back to 0.2.4, so the problem should be with the latest version 0.2.5. I can still trigger the notifications via xdotool key XF86AudioRaiseVolume, etc., and that's what I'm using as a workaround for now. Is this change of behavior intentional or a bug?
I can confirm this bug. However the xdotool workaround does not work for me. I'm using 0.2.5, too on an arch linux (package version is 0.2.5+30+g1c7b487-1). I've downgraded the package for now, which fixes it.
Sean Davis referenced this bugreport in commit f96e213b84af927e6b427322bb0e7b4ca907911a Show volume change notifications when triggered without multimedia keys (bug #13677) https://git.xfce.org/panel-plugins/xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin/commit?id=f96e213b84af927e6b427322bb0e7b4ca907911a
This issue is resolved with the above commit. I did some testing, and the pactl commands seem to work as expected now.
Created attachment 7486 Fix logical signal with default settings This commit changes behaviour of tray icon (always muted icon, like describes in bug #14071 with default settings). I think we need to add additional test (I check if multimedia keys are enabled or not). It's just proposal fix.
Reopening the bug to let Sean see it ;)
I've added a fix with this commit which should not interfere with any of the other functionality in the plugin. https://git.xfce.org/panel-plugins/xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin/commit/?id=77e1080b4db37ea0081d8608c867dcc6f009aa9d With this change, the button is refreshed once the initial sink connection has been established. This might also resolve some undiscovered issues for when all sinks become disconnected or the connection to the server is lost.