After waking up the system after suspending by pressing the key, I would have to press another key or move the mouse and the extra key that is pressed can output letters on the login field which I have to delete. The system doesn't resume automatically after pressing the key. Also, there is sometimes no sound when resuming.
Sometimes, I have to login twice after resuming because it loads and then goes right back to login.
same here - after waking up from suspend, i have to move the mouse and type in / log in with my password twice, even though I have deactivated screen lock in xfce4-power-manager-settings. system: Lubuntu 18.04 development branch 32bit medion MIM2120 should I post this bug also in the Lubuntu forum?
my issue above was mostly solved by setting a missing tick in the user settings of Lubuntu for automatic login. it seems this option has to be set in Lubuntu manually, even though I already configured Lubuntu while installation for automatic login.
This may be an issue with your display manager (lightdm? gdm? kdm?) or your screensaver not cooperating nicely. Not something xfce4-session can handle. The final comment also points in this direction: autologin isn't handled by the session, but the display manager.