When renaming a file (using Thunar's builting renaming functionalities) in a cifs mount, it disappears. A simple refresh makes the file appear again.
The same thing happens for me for NFS mounts (on GuixSD).
Thanks for reporting ! I just tried to reproduce with thunar master and thunar 1.6.15 on a nfs, but no success, ranaming of files/folders works fine. How did you connect to the cifs / nfs ? I used the following path: sftp://my-server/path/to/nfs Could you take a try with thunar 1.6.15 or 1.8.1 ?
I cannot reproduce it again. It now goes fine in both Thunar 1.6.6 on GuixSD, as well as in Thunar 1.6.15 on OpenBSD.
> How did you connect to the cifs / nfs ? I used the following path: > sftp://my-server/path/to/nfs Please ignore that, I failed at testing properly ... I now re-tested by just using the local mountpoint (doh :P) but still, I cannot reproduce.
Works fine for me. Tested with Thunar 1.8.14.