Whilst chasing through something I noticed on Mint 17++ I found several bug reports dating back to April 2011. Including: Ubuntu: #759402, #1072386 Red Hat: 962210 XFCE: 7893, 9322, 9753 the last of which points to: http://git.xfce.org/xfce/xfce4-power-manager/tree/src/xfpm-battery.c where we find a correction has been made: "msg = g_strdup_printf (_("%s (%i%%)\n%s until is fully charged."), tmp, battery->priv->percentage, est_time_str);" which has been changed to: "msg = g_strdup_printf (_("%s (%i%%)\n%s until it is fully charged."), tmp, battery->priv->percentage, est_time_str);" Fair enough! HOWEVER! At this web page: http://www.xfce.org/download/changelogs/4.12 we find: "Clean up some user strings: Some tooltips end with a period, some do not. This has been unified." Although this statement is ambiguous, (it doesn't specify if full-stop is required or removed), the other tooltips seem** to have the full-stop (period) removed. I suggest the changed line should be: "msg = g_strdup_printf (_("%s (%i%%)\n%s until it is fully charged"), tmp, battery->priv->percentage, est_time_str);" or as a native English speaker, I can confirm that "msg = g_strdup_printf (_("%s (%i%%)\n%s until fully charged"), tmp, battery->priv->percentage, est_time_str);" would also be correct and more concise. ** Looking further down the source file, we find: "(_("%s (%i%%)\nEstimated time left is %s.")" which seems also to have the full-stop. HTH
The statement from the release notes of 4.12 you're referring to apply to xfdesktop only. It's possible that in xfce4-power-manager the tooltips could be improved. If we do that though, we should do it in one big commit, after all, all translators have to update their strings. Also note that it is therefore unlikely that we change the tooltips in xfpm 1.4.*
Simon Steinbeiss referenced this bugreport in commit a3dadb8e0463945896ec46991ef2bcd23d9929f1 Drop period at end of all tooltip texts (Bug #12342) https://git.xfce.org/xfce/xfce4-power-manager/commit?id=a3dadb8e0463945896ec46991ef2bcd23d9929f1
Simon Steinbeiss referenced this bugreport in commit 1a878a57ebe95ca65387260c76b6989db4e6e2d5 Make tooltip more concise (Bug #12342) https://git.xfce.org/xfce/xfce4-power-manager/commit?id=1a878a57ebe95ca65387260c76b6989db4e6e2d5
Fixed, will be released as part of 1.6.1.