The manpage of xfce4-session-logout states: The xfce4-session-logout command allows you to programmatically logout from your Xfce session. It requests the session manager to display the logout confirmation screen, or, if given one of the command-line options below, causes the session manager to take the requested action immediately. However, running xfce4-session-logout without an option will logout without asking for any confirmation if "Prompt on Logout" is disabled in the settings. A command shouldn't cause xfce to exit if this isn't the documented behaviour. The behaviour I expect is as documented, that xfce4-session-logout shows the dialog if no option is set. Showing the dialog is better because an unconfirmed logout might cause data loss. In a situation where xfce4-session-logout is assigned to a keybind or launcher, the user might not expect this behaviour after changing the "Prompt on Logout" option considering that the logout dialog has other options as well. A user intending to hybernate might lose data when attempting to run the dialog.
To be honest I think this is totally fine. The command acts consistently with clicking the menu item.