If I search (Ctrl+f) for text in events, I get following Warning on console, and Orage won't find aything ** (orage:1424): WARNING **: 14:41:08 xfical_appt_get_next_with_string_internal: UID not found in ical file 1+Local I'm pretty sure this worked before for me, but now I'm stuck, any ideas?
Oh, and I'm using Fedora 20: rpm -qi orage Name : orage Version : 4.10.0 Release : 1.fc20 Architecture: x86_64 Signature : RSA/SHA256, Thu Dec 12 15:52:47 2013, Key ID 2eb161fa246110c1 Source RPM : orage-4.10.0-1.fc20.src.rpm Build Date : Thu Dec 12 06:01:53 2013
The error message basically says that Orage is not able to find UID "1+Local", which looks suspicious as an UID name. Do you happen to have string "UID:" in your Orage ical file? Orage might get confused by that! Can you grep "UID:" from your ical base file? (by defaul it is locate under your home directory) .local/share/orage/orage.ics
Thanks for the help. The problem was that UID: entries in orage.ics looked like this example entry: UID:508+Local Calendar as I imported calendar entries from Android calendar which was named "Local Calendar". BTW: Import from Android calendar to orage succeeded without any error message. So at the end I replaced all occurences of string 'Local Calendar' with string 'LocalCalendar' in the file .local/share/orage/orage.ics . Now Orage can search for events fine.
ok, so it was spaces in UID. Thanks for letting me know. Not sure I can do anything for it though.
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