Hi folks, I just stumbled over the plugins cpufreq and netload, which cannot be pre-configured via rc-files in /etc/xdg/... They just ignore the XDG_CONFIG_DIRS and create their own private rc-files in $HOME upon the first configuration by the user. Said plugins could easily be patched by replacing the calls to xfce_resource_save_location(*plugin, bool) by xfce_panel_plugin_lookup_rc_file(*plugin) when reading the plugin settings, like e.g. cpugraph is already doing. Works fine here. Possibly other plugins might be affected/could be improved by this as well. Thanks Daniel
Please provide proper patches and I / the maintainers of the other plugins respectively will apply them.
This enhancement is present on this branch: https://git.xfce.org/users/andre/xfce4-cpufreq-plugin/ After some testing, I will push to master.
Andre Miranda referenced this bugreport in commit 7c820df39ec561cfbce05050e31226e1f78517c4 Use xfce_panel_plugin_lookup_rc_file (Bug #11823) https://git.xfce.org/panel-plugins/xfce4-cpufreq-plugin/commit?id=7c820df39ec561cfbce05050e31226e1f78517c4