Please support using hddtemp in its TCP mode (default port 7634). This will alleviate the need for a suid hddtemp binary. Use case: I am migrating from gkrellm to XFCE panel plugins. gkrellm was configured to use TCP mode. The hddtemp service is configured at the system level to enumerate the drives the user wishes. Example output: kjotte@mystic:~$ nc localhost 7634 |/dev/sda|OCZ-VERTEX3|30|C||/dev/sdb|WDC WD7501AALS-00J7B1|32|C||/dev/sdc|WDC WD1601ABYS-18C0A0|28|C||/dev/sdd|WDC WD1601ABYS-18C0A0|29|C|
Hey, the requested feature is already implemented for several years now. It depends on your system setup at compile time. This means that packagers who decide to not run hddtemp in daemon mode will configure their packages such that the setuid hddtemp is used, unless they enforce the daemon mode. So, if you are using a package from your distribution's repository, you might want to contact the package maintainer. If you built on your own, you need any version > 1.2 and have a look at the output from "./configure", which will show you which hddtemp mode will be compiled into your binary. HTH
This is an Ubuntu machine, so I'll take it up with them. Thanks for the reply, and sorry for the noise.